Our aim is for Assistive Technology to become part of all that we do, for it to be second nature so that our pupils can access this support independently and with confidence.
We want all of our learners to be independent and not seek reliance on an individual for support if they can avoid it. Using assistive technology develops their independence and skills that they can use both in and out of their lessons each day, and beyond their time at Moon Hall.
Pupils are supported and encouraged to use Assistive Technology through a variety of ways; through using dictation (speech-to-text) and read aloud (text-to-speech)* software, Inspiration mind-mapping software, and touch typing lessons.
As well as delivering SEN / life-skills Assistive Technology webinars and face-to-face workshops to parents/carers, schools, and the likes of The Society of Heads and Amazing Apprenticeships, Moon Hall also assists Microlinkpc, as part of the 'be thAT teacher' programme, a FREE AT programme for all state and now independent schools - Assistive Technology (AT) Training for Schools Evaluation report (DfE).
Interested? Please contact Mr David Curran
Use of Technology
"SENCos may wish to consider the use of technology to a much greater extent instead of readers and scribes. Computer readers, examination reading pens, speech recognition technology and word processors not only allow candidates to work independently but are also a better preparation for Further and Higher Education and the world of employment" (JCQ 2020)
*Can Bimodal Reading Enhance Reading Comprehension?
Improve how the layout of your device looks, for example text size / style / colour and backgrounds, and the way you use it
TextHelp Read&Write*
Did you know?
"A year long study identified that 66% of Read&Write* users saw an improvement in reading age, compared to non Read&Write users (27%)" (quote source)
* with features such screenreader / text-to-speech and speech-to-text
* for use on all software applications and online at home and at school
* for use in exams for those with access arrangements
Touch typing using KAZ
One of our Moon Hall students receiving her Level 2 qualification in Touch Typing
Once logged on, students have the following options:
Additional FREE touch typing resources
'Positive screentime' at home - 'Housepoints for Homework'
Please encourage 15-20 minutes ‘play’ as and when possible
Books, books, books
Merely some suggestions . . .
As always, please contact David Curran directly if you have any thoughts, need any further help, or if you have any questions about anything Assistive Tech 😊
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